Monday, 3 December 2018


As lead generation has evolved, the ability for businesses to reach potential prospects has increased in Dubai.  In these days, businesses have access to high amounts of data and information using advertising tools such as Bulk SMS MarketingTargeted SMS MarketingSocial Email MarketingMMS Marketing, Viber Marketing, Radio Advertising, SEO / PPC (Pay Per Click),  Google Adwords, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and Snapchat.

How do Lead Generation and Sales Campaigns work?

  1. We’ll create a series digital marketing campaigns that will directly target your customers in Dubai.
  2. Once we target the right type of prospect for your business, our team will help these prospects for you; until such point that they are ready to speak to your sales team.
  3. At each time of the sales process, our team will help you to make sure that sales and marketing processes are fully aligned for maximum results.

Bulk SMS Dubai offers B2B & B2C targeting with premium & non-premium as below:

  1. Business to Business (B2B)
  2. Big Businesses
  3. Businesses Professionals
  4. Executive by Ethnic surname
  5. Female business owners & Professionals
  6. Small Business owners

Business to Consumers (B2C)

  1. Age
  2. Gender
  3. Home Owners
  4. Income Level
  5. Ethnicity
  6. Religion
  7. Country
  8. City
  9. Area
  10. Marital status